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How to write on this site - pages - blog - articles - etc


Syntax question

Is there any need to convert my articles i want to publish on my site in HTML?

To write on this site requires using .txt content

First and foremost, congrats on using this space for publishing your content. If you have a password and the correct permissions, you can write about your yoga.

To answer quickly

No need to convert in html. 

YogaPartout has a strange syntax if compared to other CMS. It is a wiki. The syntax for the posts need to be clean so that it does not create bugs. Your text need to be placed on your pages in .txt format. Here is how

Do this

Let's say you have a word document. Do not copy paste directly your content unto our site, you will break something. Word documents contain invisible xml code in the background, invisible to the eyes and we do not want this.

Here is how I did mine

a) I opened my word document
b) I copied the whole document. Even if there are images, I just copy the whole thing. We will deal with images at another time
c) I opened a notepad
If you use TextEdit on a Mac... (which is kind of superior at some level) yet, it is more work for me because we need to save the content of TextEdit in .txt so that no rich text formatting occurs.
To do so, you go to menu "Format > Make Plain Text" (or short cut "Command+Shift+T')
d) Paste the copied content
e) Copy the pasted content
f) Open your blog
You have your account set up for opening your blog space? If not, make shure to write to us so we can grant you an access.
g) Paste your text
h) Save

Hope this helps (HTH)


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