Governance, AWFractal, Welcome to our world, yoga & blockchain


Welcome to the Governance Space

 Please read this first

Please do not post this info on this page. Instead, to the the Forum. If your looking for the place where to submit a proposal, follow this link.


Several groups opened as you can see.

How to do it

  • First, introduce yourself via our Enquiry page and make sure to tell us about your project, what you want to accomplish and how can we help you
  • Second, Reserve your place here bellow
    • Note: Sending us your contribution does not guarantee your approval. If we don't approve, 100% full refund is sent back to you.

Before you do anything

Before filling out this form, note that you are responsible for checking updates on the Landing Page, which reproduces important updates posted on the Governance Forum.

We have not yet opened our Telegram and Discord space, no need to look for it.

Please, do remember that we do not Govern the Governance page. Only the elected members representing their group review the proposals and decide. If you have not yet proposed a project, first introduce yourself via our multifunctional form at this url: https://satoshi.yoga/Enquiry

And... we have a forum that answers your questions
Before filling out the Enquiry form, remember to provide us your phone number so that we can call you. Your responsible to check the forum where Q&A are open to all members of all groups and also verify the landing page for up to date progresses in our funding rounds.
Groups voted are...


To see the amount in our wallet, please go to the forum about this topic

Here is a preview of the groups being awarded a grant

Follow this url for any update on the groups's choices when our registration form will be launched

Copy / Paste the said url

As it is a url outside our eco-system, please do not share it with anymone


Check our calendar

Here is our current updates space:

Also, remember

The current active group at this time is the Governance group, a category of its own. All other groups or categories are to be announced and appear on this page. See our screen capture here bellow https://satoshi.yoga/extlinks/ftp/branding/images/WhoIsLeMagNumq.jpg

Also, remember that a correct conduct and etiquette is being taken into account in assigning who are the individuals and groups to be receiving privilege tokens.

Our AWFractal guest Eric Weistreich

See the webcast we recorded where Eric Weistreich from Governance


Listen to this podcast

Here is what Eric Weistreich says about the web 3.0

Join our community and this Governance's space

There are many chanels where the Governance's members can be found.

Here are the locations where we can be reached

Your choices


We're a registred non-profit organisation

Join us in the first round of deciding who gets the grant while singning in the rain
Submit your name to help us via t Governance Enquiry Form

Interesting links

Pages related to this one


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