

Name Posts Last Post Visits
Discussion Forum: (Yes or No) (Who) (What) (When) (How) (Where)

We moved our french forum and this space is mostly posts in English.

If your looking for the space where decisions are taking place, go to the Governance forum: (Why)

16 2022-02-13 16:13
Le PDF du url https://yogapartout.com/Mudras ne s'ouvre pas by Daniel
Governance Q & A (Why)
This forum has changed its objectives and is no longer in french and no longer it also speaks about yoga. It answers common questions about our Governance group. It is a where, what, when and who space, not a why
2 2016-12-26 05:50
yoga is the best decision! by StephanyV
Other languages space (Spanish, Italian, etc)
This forum is for every topics (Yes or No) (Who) (What) (When) (How) (Where) in Spanish, Italian, etc. It answers the basics + anything else that requires archiving the answers and How To. French and English posts from the previous ve...
2 2021-06-23 11:28
Here is the best answer by Baudouin Legrand

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