
Patanjali Kaivalya Pada 4v10


Patanjali and his relationship with desire - tasaam Anaaditvam


What is this aphorism Tasaam Anaaditvam Chat Aashisho Nityatvaat which means

Here is the decomposition of the words

Tasaam: Part of - Vaasanaas
Anaaditvam: No beginning
Cha: and
Aashishah: From that desire - The will of wanting - Life
Nityatvaat: Presence - Cause - Eternity Permanence ( in the sense of the opposite, impermanence)

The idea is also discussed in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam

Reference found in Vedabase


svato na sambhavād anyas
tattva-jño jñāna-do bhavet

Because someone has been living in ignorance since the beginning of time can not self-realize by him or herself, one must have someone else that owns the absolute thruth and transmit that knowledge.

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