Welcome to our world


We kindly and sincerly invite all invididuals/organisations to participate to our WebCast "The no brain DAO". This direct invitation is for both ecosystem citizens, Yoga Affectionados and Crypto fans.

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Who specifically is invited

Here is some food for thought

  • The participant is open to the idea and beleive that its possible to merge the domain of "Health and Welfare" i.e. Yoga with the Blockchain i.e. Distributed Autonomous Organisation (DAO)
  • Our community gives priority to members who are up to date with their Satoshi.Yoga membership
  • The guess prepares the questions ahead of time and submits them to our host, Daniel. That way, we can focus on topics that are geared toward educating the listeners while providing value that is timeless and non geographically spefic.

More information

You can consult our Radio page for further details

What to do

First and foremost, please log to this web site. To connect, off course, it means you already have an account. Here is the link if you forgot your password.

The outcome

It all depens on the agreement you have with our community. What we know is that this web site is growing exponentially which means that we are now available in french via all these channels here bellow mentionned and we are working on doing the same for our English community.


Satoshi.Yoga is a Spotify partner

... and more

In fact, we already have open channels as seen bellow, on the french side. With Spotify being in pole position, here bellow are our partners who trust us with their image and reputation.

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This community is collaborative

Please fill up this multi-fonctional form questionnaire if you want to have your own space here. We want to collaborate with you and we're willing to hand you passwords that will make it possible for you to be self sufficient. We provide training and telephone support.

A word from this sponsor

Please encourage our sponsor

Encourage, discover, dare


You can also contact us by email

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