Book your show here bellow

Welcome to our world.
The most often question being asked to us is: Is it free to be a guest at our webcast show? The answer is Yes... if you qualify If interrested, please fill up this questionnaire, tell us about yourself, the organisation you represent. It is important we get your email and phone number as we use th WhatsApp system to communicate a lot more than few years ago when we started.



Welcome to the page of the digital radio of yoga in French

Participate, listen in real time

This radio program which brings together four teachers from all over the world invites you to participate by answering the question

The doubt

Based on the series of articles on the nine obstacles of yoga, written by Véronique Pierre, this podcast is hosted by the latter, revolves around the theme of "Samsaya", this period of doubt that we all encounter at some point in our journey. .
shared the microphone

New TV


Our hostess i.s Véronique Pierre. She is an old soul and friend of YogaPartout since October 2016. An accomplished multidisciplinary artist, it was in 1998 that Véronique took her first steps towards an inner change that would
redefine his life. Through the new concept of the Oprah show, she discovered the power of meditation which then led her to discover yoga.

In terms of yoga, she is above all her certification in Therapeutic Yoga with the honorable Dr. Madan Bali that has reinforced her teaching and practice towards a true, pure and effective yoga, covering all the principles of body-mind-spirit.

She has taught Yoga with integrated meditation, in different cities of the Laurentians in Quebec and has offered different workshops still in Quebec. She is co-creator of the Inukshuk-Om meditation bench and loves creating products to help people develop healthy, zen lifestyles.
Join us in welcoming Véronique Pierre

Since 2014 we're broadcasting

This presentation was done in 2014 and has never been public.

Who is the YogaPartout WebRadio program for?

More than a radio show in French on yoga, this Web Radio show is for anyone who wants to learn a healthy lifestyle.
What is WebRadio according to YP

On the internet, the web radio that talks about yoga is a free exchange platform. We record and broadcast our shows in real time with guests from all over the world. Then, we share the audio files to make your yoga known. This web radio station allows us to facilitate frank discussions, without censorship using the telephone and a computer. You too can be interviewed.
Find us at the microphone of YogaPartout.

Stream via a digital music player has never been easier. Except that sometimes we lack the structure to project an image that lives up to who we really are. YogaPartout (YP) can interview you: Yoga teacher, student, entrepreneur, etc.
Here is the list of interviews available when you are logged in and a member of YogaPartout (click on the + sign to see)

Internet radio broadcasting

Interview of yoga - all over the planet - that reaches humanity
See the countries we reach
We broadcast in 55 countries (click on the + sign to see the countries)

The latest technology (click on the site + to see)

Who is managing the Satoshi.Yoga WebRadio and who is it for?

More than a radio show in French on yoga, this Web Radio show is for anyone who wants to learn a healthy lifestyle.
We are your voice

We are the OM2 radio that allows you to be heard on the internet.
An example
Anne Laurençon tells us about her path in yoga and immortality

Write to us

To access the programs, to be interviewed, contact us at: cheminverslecoeur at

From here you are connected

Find us at the microphone of YogaPartout

Stream via a digital music player has never been easier. Except that sometimes we lack the structure to project an image that lives up to who we really are. YogaPartout (YP) can interview you: Yoga teacher, student, entrepreneur, etc.

It doesn't matter if you are *in yoga* or not, we adapt the interview and the questions asked during the recording according to your criteria, not ours!

We are too...

We are also the OM2 radio which allows you increased visibility on the internet. See our service offering below.
Clever social media (click the + sign to see)

What are the ways to join your WebRadio?

You have several options.
a) Landline phone
Still one of the most stable means out there.
b) The laptop (cell phone)
It is a choice that is still loved by many. Remember to have at least 45 minutes of airtime before joining us. It would be a shame if the communication was interrupted because of time elapsed on your phone, huh!
How to suggest an interview

It's simple, you contact us and we schedule an interview.
For businesses, does it cost anything?
Yes and no.

Yes, the time we spend together should be remunerated. We provide you with a tool which will then be archived on (YP) and which you can distribute and display on your homepage according to your needs.
No, this service is free for registrants who participate in the maintenance and growth of the site. This service is free for yoga teachers and schools. We operate in the form of voluntary donation. The WebRadio service is part of the set of communication solutions offered to you.

I want to be interviewed

Be interviewed

We prepare your radio show with you. We talk about your personal practice, your school, the courses, products and services you offer.
The more you prepare, the better.
Participate in a show (click on the + sign to choose)

First you listen to the show

If you are a listener, it is possible for you to participate passively or actively.
To participate passively

You can also write via the chat line that we make available to you during registration, except that it is rare that we announce it. Thus, you will become an active listener. To do this, you must be logged into their platform.

To talk to our guests

During the broadcast of a radio show produced by YogaPartout you can chat and ask questions to our guests. Here's how.
Write to us in advance so that we welcome you

You can call if you are a listener who wishes to discuss and ask our guest one or more questions, except that we must know this in advance to prepare your entry
Write to us at cheminverslecoeur at
What should I do, I have been invited to appear on a show

What do you need to do to tune into the show when we are recording?
Simple: Call in the US at the following number: (646) 652-2497 and follow the instructions (you are asked to press the "one"
First, read the text on this page, even if this text may seem long and not always timely.


Our WebRadio server is in the US and I'm not

Q: It is mentioned that one must use the phone to participate in the recording of a radio show. I live outside the United States, how can I participate without incurring long distance charges?
A: It is currently not possible to use the free Skype option.
YogaPartout uses an account that does not allow exchanges via Skype. If on your side you find another way to remain independent and autonomous let us know if you find another affordable option to call the call management center of our web radio.
Q:If I've been prompted to try using direct connect, here's how to do it
Connecting via Studio HiFi Direct Connect is easy. It doesn't always work except if you give it a try, see how you should proceed:

15 minutes before the show starts, enter the studio.
You will notice that there is a pink button that says: "Direct Connect".
It is on this button that you must click to enter the studio.
Check that you have the pop-ups option enabled because the studio asks to use the panel to report and connect.
If you don't see a square (pop-up), it's not normal, try again and make sure that your option on your browser accepts "pop-ups" via Chrome or Firefox preferably.
Other browsers are not recommended

We're dedicated to make you shine like new

Why do we use this method?

The internet is vast. YogaPartout is the largest and fastest audio exchange solution known to date on the internet. The Internet has succeeded in democratizing this means of communication with tens of thousands of presenters and millions of listeners. We specialize in yoga and its derivatives.
How do I prepare for my interview?

A facilitator will ask you the questions you wish to answer. We need to have your list of questions and an idea of ​​your answers before recording your program in order to make your audience want to join your courses, your services, etc.
To prepare you, we provide you with a privileged space for exchange via the internet. When the facilitator assigned to you receives confirmation from you, a verbal exchange takes place in order to revise the text prepared for this purpose.


Before confirming the broadcast date for your show, we schedule the sending of an info letter. This is to coordinate our marketing efforts for you. In addition, we can place advertising banners in the newsletter for you to have more visibility.
For more information, do not hesitate to write to us? If you have any additional questions.
Preparing for my interview

I am going to be interviewed, how do I prepare?
Have you agreed to be interviewed by a host on YP WebRadio? Here's how to prepare
Before broadcast date

Technologically, the equipment required is very simple. You need a telephone connected to a land line. You will need to call the USA at the following number: (646) 652-2497.
Check this area code page if you are unsure of the area codes. If you live outside of North America, using Skype is an option. But that's not the best option. In the past, we have *lost* guests using Skype or other types of phones such as cell phones. So be sure to use a landline phone if in doubt.

Conceptually, to ensure that your interview with us is useful for a long time, keep in mind that on the internet, time, the notion of time is different. In reality, what is suggested is not to mention time. For example, instead of answering the question: How long have you been doing yoga? When mentioning: I have been doing yoga for five years, answer with a specific date: I have been doing yoga since 1972! This way, people listening to your interview in two years will have a solid reference to interpret your answer.
What else about YP WebRadio?

YP's WebRadio allows everyone, really everyone, to do radio. As a host or listener. It is a very powerful communication tool that allows you to broadcast sound files on the Internet. To be a host or guest on YP's WebRadio show hosted by YogaPartout volunteers, all you need is a phone and a computer.
Rebroadcast of a program

Thanks to the ease of use of this platform for broadcasting radio programs all over the world, you can, once your radio program has been recorded in real time, re-listen and virally broadcast the program to which you participated.
Social media (click the + sign to choose)

You are embarrassed. Are you nervous?

We help you
At YP, this maxim does not apply

You don't have two chances to make a good first impression!



Remember that once you have phoned, after the welcome message press key #1.

Web Radio in real time!

To *capture* our station's RSS feed, here is the path to copy and paste:

In order to get something we never got, we have to do something we never did

See via this url the articles we published so far.

And if

If you don't see any article in this section, it is because we're new to the English realm

See above the Calendly invite and book your time and date

Donate - Be a corporate sponsor

Sponsor a show

Listen and be heard online

For companies that want to "sponsor" us, you can do so, via a donation.
We accept PayPal and soon BitCoins
Consult this seven-page presentation for all the details about our sponsorship program, namely:

Tell us about yourself

Do you have any questions?

Communicate with us via our interface by writing in your title: For info about YPWR

We make yoga teachers shine since 2014

Listen to previous podcasts

All in French with international guests. Italy, France, Belgium and Egypt, etc.

Kaliji from California shares with us How it all startedJoelle-Anne Prat in FranceBaudouin Legrand in Belgium and in EgyptMarie Francoise Mariette World Citizen

Listen to this presentation in FR

In French

Online and offline - Watch this presentation on YouTube

YouTube prez

This presentation was done in 2014 and has never been public.

Be seen be heard - Spotify and more


We are now with Spotify

... and more

Here are some links to the Spotify Chanel we occupy in FR

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Image Image Image
Image Image Image
Image }

Here is one of our Google Partner

Without Google, Satoshi.Yoga would not exist
Happiness is simple: Teach and transmit outside your space

Key in hand

Your web marketing needs a push or does not go as you wish? What we propose is to help you connect the dots. If strategically, you need to align your communication, we’re here to help. We use the social sphere like no one else does. How is that? By giving you a platform where you can express deep down what is going on in your world.

How do we differentiate

In one sentence, we take the time to really listen what you want to communicate to the world. That is different, isn’t it!
The outcome is such that since 2010 we have been meeting over the social sphere yoga related individuals, organisations and helped them send a wave of goodness that lasts. In short, we have done hundreds of interviews all over and helped them shine.

Why would you accept this invitation?

First, because it is free. The recording, which ever method we use to capture these precious moments we will take together is free. If after the interview you would like to use our services for SEO ( more on this here ), or Proxy RSS ( example of one news article caught by Google ) referencing per example, we can talk. The basic is this, you will get:

  • A full edited and clean MP3 or .wav file. That is the audio version of our podcast interview. For more information about the difference between these two formats, please consult this page on Yoga Partout.
  • Your guests (if you have some) will have shared and testified about yourself, therefore increasing your notoriety
    • Cognitive resonance will have been re-aligned if it needed too be
    • A permanent long time lasting audio message will be available to post on your web page site if you choose to do so.
  • Native web audio file is handed to you. We send you the source file.
    • No commercials heard, neither at the beginning nor at the end of your interview.

A private video was done back in 2014 that explains in English why yoga partout does what it does. Here is the link: (only 30 hits as of January 2021!)

How do we provide for our needs?

Since 2010, Yoga Partout paid for all the current expenditures we had. Since January 2020, we slowly started to give access to the rich content we produce only to registered members with the intent to monetize by year end. Please connect to interact and access our social media ecosystem. This explains why it is now difficult to find the radio interviews we did so far. We are making the interviews available to paid members only. For more information, please visit our terms of services.

How to prepare to one of YogaPartout interview

We prepare the interview together, yet, we have the easy job. You need to provide us the list of questions you want us to ask you. Having said that, here are some hints about the themes we love to talk about:

  • Spirituality: why do you do what you do
  • Your meaning of mindfulness (some will talk about enlightenment)
  • If you give us the choice of questions, we always ask the same, here they are:
    • Who
    • What
    • How
    • When
    • Where
    • We rarely ask why
A podcast's life span is lasting an average of five years

What recording method will we use

Choice number one: sound and video

If we are doing a one on one or threesome interview, most likely you will receive a url so that we can connect live with video and sound. Important: If so, please make sure your internet connection is stable, that you use the Chrome Browser and that you have a good microphone and headphones.

Choice number two: audio only

If we do a group interview of more than three persons, we use a conference call service specially thought for group discussions. You need to call to the webcasting virtual studio by telephone.

Our server is in the USA, not us!

If you’ve been mentioned that you must use a telephone to participate in the recording of a web radio program, please do so. The world is big and we choose the USA to host our group talks. You will need to call this number (646) 652-2497 at least 15 minutes prior to the show.

It is not possible at the moment to use free Skype functionalities or any IP solutions such as What’s App. If you use your mobile phone, please test the phone number now and make sure your OK. If you do not have an international phone call plan, use a call card available anywhere in telephone boutiques.

How important are these choices?

Please read this forum post for more information ( see at the bottom of the article )

Q & A

YPWR is in the USA, not us!

Q: It is mentionned that I must use a telephone to participate in the recording of a web radio program. I live outside the USA, how can I participate without making an expensive long distance call?
A: It is not possible at the moment to use free Skype functionalities. YogaPartout uses a free account to communicate with its audience. Please verify the FAQ for additional information on this question just in case they may have changed their policy. Also, we found that the call quality is much better over the telephone as opposed to internet telephone lines and if you find an affordable option on your side, be sure to let us know about it so we can adapt and make use of the technology you will have found.

Q: What are the means to to reach the YPWR switchboard?
A: There are several options. Here they are

a) Fix telephone line.

Please use a fix telephone line if your calling far away in the world. It is the best mean found so far.

b) Mobile cell phone.

It is a choice that is being more and more prefered. Remember that you must have at least 45 minutes of talk time before you reach us. It would be too bad if we were to loose you because your cellular telephone was out of time, would it?

c) Skype can also be used

The use of skype is not a good option. You have to call a land line telephone number. Might as well do it on a telephone line too! By using Skype, you will only take advantage of using this technology on your side and have to pay for a long distance call anyway. Remember that sometimes Skype communications can be fussy. In fact, it happens that sometimes the skype communication is so low that we get disconnected. So please use with care.

What else about YogaPartout WebRadio (YPWR)?

YPWR allows everyone, any where in the world to participate in a radio show. Whether your a host, a listener, it is a communication tool that allows us to share podcasts in a very powerfull manner. In order to be invited, please write to us at:

I'm invited as a guest, how can I prepare

To prepare as a guest for our web radio program, all you need to do is to supply us with the questions you want us to ask you. We do not improvise unless you say we can, that is our way, that is the first step. Then, what you must do is call few minutes before the beginning of the show. The phone number where to call is given to you by email when you write to us. As mentionned before, all you need is a telephone or a computer connected to a telephone.

I would like to invite someone else

If your invited as a guest and you would like to invite someone else on the WebRadio show, it is possible. Sometimes, to get testimonials, collaboration with a testimonial is a very strong way to engage the audience. Over all it brings credibility. So to answer the question, yes it is possible. The same process applies, your friend, your student or whoever wishes to participate can dial the same phone number any time during the show and we will connect all together. Just make sure that we know about it so we can accept the call and only his call as usually, we prefer not to accept improvised calls while we are recording.

Q: Will I be able to listen to my own interview?
__A:_ Yes you can. YogaPartout makes your interview available, within minutes after the recording. The option to listen again and again to the show in the archives and we ship you a widget that would allow you to simply copy and paste it on your web site or your blog. Thanks to all our supporter who help us broacasts the WebRadio show all over the world at no costs.

How long did it take you to become an instant sucess?

Social media

Also, for your information, our internet application is recognized as a top social media tool of the hour, above TV because is it fast and easy to migrate to intelligent telephones. This is a gift to you from

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

To capture RSS feeds of our WebRadio program, all you need to do is copy and paste the link here bellow or
subscribe to this RSS feed


 Here is the RSS feed address

Not everything has been said

Listen to podcasts everywhere

Listen to the many WebRadio programs available on our site. Just ask us and we will send you a personal list of 'Where and What'.

Thank youl

Did we say Thank You? Well, here again: Thank you and don't be shy, life is too short.

You can write and chat

Yes, it is also possible to chat. what you need to do then is connect to our Web Radio plateform and then writing questions will be possible.

Join us, subscribe

Looking forward to hear from you via this Enquiry form. OR, call us via this whatsapp link
