
Yoga Nidra 101 - HowTo

Hatha Mudra Yoga

This workshop will be offered in english and french - atelier bilingue

Learn the healing power of mudras, basic principles, and how to incorporate them into your practice. This workshop is practice based and includes theory based handouts in the form of a pdf/url

Cet atelier vous permettra d’incorporer des mudras dans votre routine quotidienne. Un manuel (sous forme de pdf/url) sera remis aux participants, qui vous permettra de comprendre l’aspect théorique de cette pratique.

Cet atelier est offert dans les deux langues - bilingual workshop

For whom

Ces ateliers sont pour tous
This workshop is for everyone. Yet, it provides interesting info for more advanced yogis/nis


A Mudra is a sacred and symbolic gesture of the hand that has a specific yet global meaning which has for objective to induce a psychic attitude, an energetic effect and procures a spiritual experience. We must always bring about a Mudra practice gently and with infinite respect.
-Swami Locananda

Yoga Nidra 101

Yoga Nidra 101 - HowTo

Learn the how to

This workshop will be offered in english and french - atelier bilingue


In this workshop, you will learn the healing power of yoga nidra, basic principles, and how to incorporate them into a sadhana. This workshop is based on practice (the theory is handed to you in the form of a url/pdf manual).

Cet atelier vous permettra d’apprendre les principes de base de Yoga Nidra et comment construire votre propre séance. Nous pratiquerons au moins deux versions. Cet atelier inclus un manuel théorique sous forme d'url/pdf.

This workshop will be offered in english and french - les pratiques se feront en anglais.

More information can be found here

About Daniel from Yoga Partout

Daniel studied Mudras intro with Swami Locananda and Daniel studied Mudras intro with Swami Locananda and Swami Aksharananda of the Saraswati lineage. Since then, his sadhana and teaching has been transformed. He's been following the yoga path since 1978 and has over 500 hours of teaching experience. He is a member of the Yoga Alliance (RYT 200), the CanFitPro (MBS 2010) organization and an active advocate for the World French Yoga Federation since 2008.



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