
Merci a Wayne B

Thanks to Wayne B - who purchased our first NFT

Visitez sa page sur Voice

Il est photographe

Il vend de superbes photos

Voici la preuve de propriété, c'est lui qui est le premier acheteur

Il sera a vitam æternam le premier acheteur de cette planche.

Voyez qui osera acheter la deuxième planche sur ce lien, ici sur Voice ou sur ce site: Le demi pont - Setu Bandhasana

Son descriptif en anglais

British photographer of the sea, creeks, marshlands and nature. Equally happy shooting people, portraits and street scenes. I re-imagine my images, interpret scenes and objects, to evoke a feeling, for others to enjoy - now as NFTs.

Un de ses post sur Instagram

Un mot de sa part (in english off course :-)

Thank you for your kind words and positivity. I’m a positive person, want this exciting new NFT platform to be successful and is why I jumped on the chance of buying your first NFT and several NFTs from others. I am being cautious in terms of not initially buying too many higher priced NFTs. My confidence will grow as the platform develops and I will consider higher priced NFTs, including yours. I’m glad to have made a friend here and thanks again for the accolade here. I wish you all the best and every success!

Le NFT qu'il a acheté

Son acquisition se trouve sur sa page Voice.com. Cherchez parmis sa collection et vous trouverez.

Voyez qui a acheté le deuxième NFT de YogaPartout


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2 pages link to Merci premier NFT vendu - Thanks a-to Wayne B - who purchased our first NFT

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