
Boutique - Member contribution 51€ - 75 CA Canadian - Six months

Bi-annual membership to YogaEverywhere
Member Membership - Participation - Six-month period

This subscription is said to be regular and entitles you to have

Explanation of this membership

Canada (PayPal - Interac - Cheque)

We accept, for those who live in Canada, your Interac, cheque and off course: Paypal

Buy in Canada or pay by PayPal

Image Image Image

Floating Banners

Our randomly floating banner display service is available on this page

Why is this poster service so important to our non-profit organization?
This service allows us to support ourselves

Behind simplicity lies complexity. Therefore, remember that it is not only in the world of yoga that we're searching for continuity, it is everywhere.

Buy Stripe pic

Here is the so-called regular membership offer

You are entitled to

  • A SEO/SEM referenced page
  • An event on the calendar displayed on the homepage every month
  • A PDF embedded on your page
  • A mention in the newsletter; and
  • The possibility of being published in magazine that we produce via Satohi.Yoga (not guaranteed)

On the other hand

This contribution does not give you access to

  • More than one PDF. If you are interested in our corporate partnership, contact us
  • Maintaining the visibility of your pages
  • Collaboration with our internal communication system

I'm signing up for a six months membership

Payment by credit card

Je m'inscris à YogaPartout pour six mois: Paiement par carte de crédit

L'adhésion pour six mois, l'offrande suggérée pour 2024/2025 est de 51 € - 75 CA
Ce montant en Euro est approximatif puisqu'il est converti depuis le 75 dollard Canadien

About us

We are a non-profit organisaiton namely 'Association 1901' as it is in France
In Quebec, this name is no small feat. Laws, on the other hand, are on our side when we know how to enforce them. For example, you who are reading this message, no matter where you are located in the world, can become a member and be on the board of the business register. Do the exercise. Use your favourite browser to search for the name 'Registre des entreprises du Québec'. Somewhere you will find a link that even on the search space of registered organizations. Search for this name: YogaEverywhere - Satoshi.Yoga
Watch our video announcing the creation of our organization

Make a contribution, offer your support

On this link, you can make a donation
Contacts - Info

Please check our price list to see if you are interested in our services.
Write to
yogaeverywhere -at- satoshi.yoga

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